Role of Plants in the Management of the Coronavirus
As the World stands still in awe of the COVID Panic, there is no doubt that plants have a lot to do with the healing and prevention process. Whereas it is heralded that there is no cure for COVID 19, Nutrition has also been mentioned by the World Health Organisation. This includes the use of fruits and vegetables to boost body immunity against infection.
It has long been noted through research that fruits and vegetables contribute to human health. Not just in enhancing body immunity but also treating ailments. It is under such findings that plants produce fruits like lemons, oranges and pineapples, which boost vitamin C thus increasing the human body’s ability to resist diseases and protect its cells.
Yonesi and Rezazadeh in a paper on Plants as a Prospective Source of Natural Anti-virus Compounds and Oral Vaccines Against COVID 19 note that, several plant derived anti coronavirus compounds have been nominated that could be targeted for further research due to the similarity of the coronavirus disease in 2003 and the current coronavirus. In their paper they point out, that plant species such as Baikal skullcap and stinging nettle are suitable candidates for the new coronavirus antiviral research.
In Africa there is a buzz about the use of the bitter leaf, Artemisia, garlic, lemon and eucalyptus remedies. All are scientifically proven to have a health benefit and thus are not strangers to the popular discourse in medicine.
The bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) has been studied by scientists including Imaga and Bamigbetan. As a health resuscitating remedy, there is documented evidence of pneumonia treatment using the bitter leaf plant. Artemisia has a proven record of managing fevers, temperature and inflammation. Garlic is renowned for treating common colds and boosting body immunity. Eucalyptus manages colds and alleviates pain.
The world looks to having a vaccine for the coronavirus. Ideas ranging from the use of recovered patients plasma to looking into synthetic innovations come to mind. Yet the potential for a plant vaccine beckons to the world of science, if consensus would be built.